Unite church leaderships to make a lasting difference in the lives, and churches in our
community; by realizing what unites us. One body, one spirit, one hope, one Lord, one
faith, and one baptism in Jesus’ name. Unity can serve God better! Ephesians 4:2-6
To bring church leadership together, to serve God as one that the community might
be blessed, and God be glorified.
“As church leaders, we must agree on our purpose
in life; to work together for God that He may be
glorified. Our outward expression of unity will
always reflect our inward unity of purpose.”
© Community Church Leadership Mission. All rights reserved.
The CCLM was created by God in 2020, and the ministry became active in 2021.
The purpose of this ministry is to bring God’s called leaders together to worship
and fellowship in many ways. Peace, love, and unity among the people of God
frees Him to rain down Blessings on our churches and community.
Psalm 133:1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.”